Stepping Out in Faith When You Feel Unqualified (An Interview with Becca David)

Have you ever felt you’re unqualified or ill-equipped for what God is calling you to? Do you ever feel someone else could do a better job, or think: What can God possibly do with someone like me? If those are the questions you've asked, this episode is for you.

In this episode, Dr. Wai Jia speaks with Becca David, a hairstylist from Massachusetts, about how God freed her from feeling unworthy and uneducated, and turned her past sexual trauma into a purposeful ministry serving strippers in her local strip club. 

Becca works as a hairstylist as her full time vocation. Her ministry and passion however, is to serve women who have been sexually exploited and trafficked specifically at local strip clubs in her community. The passion she has to walk alongside these women comes from the way the Lord gently pursued and regenerated her in the darkest seasons of her life.


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Why God’s Rest Unlocks the Miraculous


When I Feel I’m Not Good Enough