Inspiration Behind Savour
When Wai Jia became a medical doctor, everyone had plans for the perfect future for her. Caught in the rat-race, she was convinced to climb the ladder of success.
Marrying Cliff wrecked her worldview. Having survived liver cancer, his resilience in life brought him to finish a 14-hour IronMan event.
His perspective on living each day as if it were one's last inspired them both to serve the needy while they could.
Life is, after all, brief.
Shortly after marriage, they both put their careers on hold to serve the needy in Uganda for a year.
It is Wai Jia's hope that through Savour, you may remember the song in your heart and rekindle your quenched dreams.
A seemingly guileless story about a cat, Savour evokes powerful emotions from anyone who has toiled in the workplace.
Written to challenge our ideals of success, Savour beckons us to remember the dreams we were made for, but might have buried.
Today, Savour is used as an inspirational resource in career counselling at institutions of higher education.