Singapore Contributions
Please choose which area you’d like your contribution to go towards.
Kitedreams Digital Ministry
Kitedreams exists to inspire people with hope and deepen their faith in God.
Our mission is only made possible by your generous donations. Your support enables us to reach more people with our digital resources, such as podcasts, social media, videos, books, and newsletters.
Let’s touch more lives together. Please fill in the form below for bank transfer details.
Cliff & Wai Jia’s Personal Ministry
As Cliff and Wai Jia are not funded monthly by any organization or church, they rely on God to provide for their personal ministry of doing missions in Tanzania.
You are welcome to give a one-time love gift or contribute on a regular monthly basis, which would help sustain their work long-term as a family.
If you would like to make a contribution to their personal ministry through direct bank transfer or PayNow, please fill in the form below for more details.