Chinese calligraphy by Tam Wai Jia

家 (Jia) | Family

“JIA (家),” meaning “family,” is a provocative word that evokes strong mixed feelings in the Asian context. Enmeshment, dysfunction, and pain mark many childhoods and are often played out during family gatherings. Here, the artist challenges us to see family events through a God-centered lens, as opportunities for forgiveness, compassion, and hope. 

While explosively imprinted, the consistency and regularity of the brushstrokes offers viewers to share in the hope of a peaceful, stable family that we can lean into through prayer. For those of us struggling with an orphaned spirit, Tam invites us to hold onto our citizenship in the family of believers, and find our belonging in Christ and His Body.

“For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ...” (Philippians 3:20)

在亚洲人眼中,《家》是个可能引发两极化反应的敏感字 眼。感情纠葛、家庭的不健全以及童年阴影等等不时会在 家庭聚会中浮出台面。在这当中,作者想借此挑战观众试 着以神的视角看待家事,把它当作寻求宽恕、怜悯和希望 的契机。 

静中带劲的粗线、下笔稳健,一撇一捺都规规矩矩,如同 一个和睦、安稳的家庭,愿观众能通过祷告有所盼望。 至于那些被孤立的心灵,蔚佳邀你紧握属天的国籍,坚持 与信徒为伍,在基督的和祂的圣餐中找到归属感。

然而,我们的国籍在天上;我们也热切等待着救主——主耶稣基督从那 里降临。(腓立比书 3:20)


爱 Ai | Love


满 Man | Full