Chinese calligraphy by Tam Wai Jia

满 (Man) | Full

“MAN (满),” meaning “full,” represents the fullness of God. Having moved over a dozen times in multiple countries within ten years of marriage, Tam understands the grief and loss of homes, possessions, and community with every move. Yet, God promises a greater reward in this lifetime when we abandon all for Him (Mark 10:29–30). 

The tension between enjoined brushstrokes reflects the constant overflow God has for our lives. Tam and her husband have experienced miracles of being gifted homes by complete strangers, knowing they will give them away whenever God calls them to move again. She challenges readers to trust that God, with His lavish love and abundant resources, is faithful to fill our cups when we readily pour ourselves out for others.

“So Jesus answered and said, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My sake and the gospel’s, who shall not receive a hundredfold now in this time—houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions—and in the age to come, eternal life.’” (Mark 10:29–30)

《满》代表了神的圆满性。在过去 10 年的婚姻里,作者曾 随家人移居多国,每一次的迁移都让她饱受悲欢离合之 痛。然而,神应许我们若肯为祂舍弃所有,祂必将在此生 赐予我们更大的收获(马可福音 10: 29-30)。 

充满张力的线条,一气呵成连绵不断,反映了神在我们的 生命里,也是一样源源不断地赐予祝福。作者与丈夫曾多 次奇迹般地获得陌生人赠予栖身之所,即使那些人明知道房子最终会因为神的再次召唤而被他们转送出去。作者盼 观众能够全然信靠神丰硕无尽的爱与资源,并相信神会信 守承诺,在我们为他人付出侍奉时,也让我们福杯满溢。

耶稣说:“我确实地告诉你们:无论谁为我的缘故、为福音的缘故而舍 弃房屋,或兄弟,或姐妹,或母亲,或父亲,或儿女,或田产,都必定 在今世得到百倍,就是房屋、兄弟、姐妹、母亲、儿女和田产,也会有 逼迫;但在来世得到永恒的生命。(马可福音 10:29-30)


家 Jia | Family


恩 En | Grace