Chinese calligraphy by Tam Wai Jia

赞 (Zan) | Praise

“ZAN (赞),” meaning “praise,” represents the intentional declaration of joy and worship even when things fall apart. In the artist’s second pregnancy, her dark experience through severe antepartum depression led her to appreciate why praise is described as a “sacrifice” (Hebrews 13:15). By choosing to lean into her hardships, Tam applied the same principles of embracing pain in labor to deliver her second child, named “乐” (Joy), in a beautiful home birth. Similarly, would you allow your praise to usher in fruitfulness, too? 

The double characters “先先” above, meaning “first,” remind us of the double portion of praise we can give God first no matter what comes our way. The harmonizing balance in this character’s brushstrokes reflect the stability that praise brings to our lives.

“Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name.” (Hebrews 13:15)

《赞》意喻“颂赞”,即在人生不如意时,仍下意识地宣 告喜乐与崇拜。作者在怀第二胎时,曾患重度产前抑郁 症,那段黑暗的日子让她有所感悟,明白赞颂为何会被形 容为一种“祭献”(希伯来书 13:15)。因选择在家中分 娩,在承受临盆产痛之际,她也以同样的概念,为二女取名为“乐”,以记念这刻骨铭心的过程。将心比心,作者 试问观众:“你是否愿让赞颂带你导向丰盈的硕果?” 

《赞》的上半部是由两个“先”重叠而成,提醒我们无论 任何情况,都要先给神双倍的颂赞。该字和谐对称的形 体,在视觉上给人带来平稳的观感,反映了颂赞能为生活 带来稳定。

让我们靠着基督,常常开口以颂赞为祭献给上帝,这是承 认主名的人所结的果子。(希伯来书 13:15)


恩 En | Grace